Insanination & It's Mistress
Devious Dreams -- an icon collective
The Asylum
Stargate SG-1
The List
Silent Hill
Link It


Insanination itself is a whole other world, but Insanination the Site is easy to explain. It's just a site by me, for me, hoping to spread the gospel of Mentally Unstable to the world wide web. Just a place for me to store graphics and fanfics without worry of hypocrisy or hate, and just to chillax and let my creativity flow. Just my own little slice of the web, where you can come and chill, let me know what you think without hatin', download goodies and read exclusive fics you won't find anywhere else. It's just a site with Mentally Unstable's crap, and that's all it is. There's nothing fancy about it. There's no rhyme, there's no reason. It's just whatever I want it to be. My conspiracy theories, video game walkthroughs, commentaries, reviews, and whatever else I can dig up to publish.

You game? Neither am I.

Mentally Unstable/A.E. Moryn

I'm just a writer, artist, and person like anyone else. I see things through my eyes. I'm not stuck up, I'm not conceited, and I sure as hell am not an elitist. I've been writing fanfiction since I was ten, when I wrote a story centered around Scooby-Doo! I didn't know it was called fanfiction at the time, but I later learned, and was hooked. My number one fandom is Stargate SG-1. I'm a believer in all things seen and unseen. I am Irish/Mexican/Native American(Cherokee). I love to sew.  can't live without notebooks. I'm oddly obsessed with pens. I can't get enough of a man named Zachary Quinto(usually--it's complicated XD). I love CSI. My favorite author is Douglas Clegg. I love anime & manga and My alltime favorite anime is Trigun. I love writing these little facts about myself hoping you can get to know me through them, but I honestly believe I cannot explain myself in one tiny coded box -- no one can. So sit back and enjoy the ride. It's all you can do.

Shoot me an
email. Read my blog. Don't stop believing.

All writings/fanfictions, graphics, and original works are property of myself, Mentally Unstable(MU). Everything else is owned by whoever holds the correct paperwork.